October School Holiday STEM Activities
Introducing STEM in the Community for 8-12 year olds
STEM in the Community is our outreach project held in locations across the Bay of Plenty, where we bring together amazing STEM content providers, smart venues and enthusiastic children and tamariki. Each location is run as a unique event.
Please find below all information about the various locations and sessions and book your free ticket now! Get in quick as spaces are limited and filling fast!
SOLD OUT Saturday 2nd October 2021. Tauranga. Biomimicry interactive workshop – Invented by plants and animals – an introduction to biomimicry. Book ($20 family) tickets here.
(HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS AND ADULTS) Tuesday 5th October 2021. Tauranga. Morning Tea with STEM Heroes. Hosted at University of Waikato. Book FREE tickets here.
Wednesday 6th October 2021. Whakatane. Precious plastic project with Envirohub. Book FREE tickets here.
Thursday 7th October 2021. Rotorua. Science at home – learn how to do your own science experiments using simple household items. Book FREE tickets here.
SOLD OUT (ALL AGES) Friday 8th October 2021. Tauranga. Come and make your own art-bot and create art using robotics. Book FREE tickets here.
CANCELLED Monday 11th October 2021. Te Puke. Science at home. Book FREE tickets here.
Friday 15th October 2021. Katikati. Come have a go at robotics and coding and take part in an interactive egg drop challenge! Book FREE tickets here.
Saturday 16th October 2021. Tauranga. TCC Water Education workshop – Get hands on with interactive Pumps, Pipes and Wipes model to see where our water goes once it’s been used. Book FREE tickets here.
CANCELLED Saturday 16th October 2021. Tauranga. “Astronomy 101” workshop by Tauranga Astronomical Society – a fun, interactive demonstration of the basics of astronomy.Book FREE tickets here.