Conversation in STEM with Professor Chris Lintott

Watch our online session on Wednesday 6th May 2020

Astronomers have gotten very good at finding planets around other stars. In this informal online session you will be able to get up close and personal with one of the world’s leading science communicators and find out how you can discover weird worlds!

Get involved!

Tauranga Astronomical Society –

Royal Astronomical Society of NZ –

Zooniverse gives people of all ages and backgrounds the chance to participate in real research with over 50 active online citizen science projects. Work with 1.6 million registered users around the world to contribute to research projects led by hundreds of researchers.

For schools:

Talk followed by a moderated discussion led by STEM Wana Trust and Student Ambassadors from Otumoetai College and a Q+A from ticketed event attendees.

About Professor Chris Lintott

Chris Lintott is a professor of astrophysics at the University of Oxford, where he is also a research fellow at New College. As Principal Investigator of the Zooniverse, he leads a team who run the world’s most successful citizen science projects, allowing more than a million people to discover planets, transcribe ancient papyri or explore the Serengeti. A passionate advocate of the public understanding of science, he is best known as co-presenter of the BBC’s long running Sky at Night program.

You can find out more about Chris’ work at the University of Oxford, zooniverse, and on the BBC The Sky at Night.

Chris has also co-written Bang! The complete history of the Universe.

With one big bang, the universe exploded into being 13.7 million years ago. This is the story of how everything came about, from the moment when time and space came into existence, to the formation of the first stars, galaxies, and planets, to the evolution of human beings able to contemplate our own origins and ultimate destiny—and on to the infinite future, after the Red Giant Sun consumes Earth. 

Bang! explains it all in clear, straightforward terms, chronologically, without any mathematics, and including the most up-to-date discoveries.

Available from all good bookshops and online.

The Crowd and the Cosmos: Adventures in the Zooniverse – in this book, Chris describes the exciting discoveries that people all over the world have made, from galaxies to pulsars, exoplanets to moons and from penguin behaviour to old ship’s logs.  This approach builds on a long history of so-called ‘citizen science’, given new power by fast internet and distributed data.  Discovery is no longer the remit only of scientists in specialist labs or academics in ivory towers. It’s something we can all take part in.  As Chris shows, it’s a wonderful way to engage with science, yielding new insights daily.

You, too, can help explore the Universe in your lunch hour.

Chris Lintott’s Passion for astronomy and witty humour makes this book and enjoyable and captivating read for anyone whether an expert or amateur – you will most certainly enjoy this superbly written insight into the unique and powerful contribution everyone can make to scientific knowledge.

Available from all good bookshops and online.