STEMFest Protocols for dealing with COVID-19

STEM Wana Trust/Tauranga STEM Festival (STEMFest) will operate under the guidelines for Alert Levels 1-4 provided by the New Zealand government. Full details of which can be found here:

Our team will also be working closely with Tauranga City Council events team, as well as community groups and other organisations supporting our event.

Notwithstanding all the above protocols, all STEM Wana Trust events are either by invitation or ticketed. This ensures that we know how many people will be at our events at any time. We also check-in, and going forward we will be checking-out guests, to ensure we have an accurate time record of those coming and going.

STEM Wana Trust will not operate or run any events under Levels 3 and 4.

As part of our protocols, we will encourage guests to:

  • use the NZ COVID Tracer App to keep track of where they have been and turn on Bluetooth tracing
  • stay home if they are feeling unwell
  • wash their hands often with soap and water before and after they leave home
  • supply and encourage use of sanitisers when arriving and leaving our events
  • maintain social distancing, where appropriate
  • wear a mask, where appropriate

For those who have been vaccinated, we encourage them to keep up good health behaviours such as washing their hands and signing in using the NZ COVID Tracer app.

Updated 20 August 2021