STEMFest 2021 Announces Headline Sponsor Trustpower

STEM Wana Trust is incredibly excited to announce Trustpower as the Headline sponsor for the award winning Tauranga STEM Festival (STEMFest) 2021!

STEMFest 2021 Headline Sponsor Trustpower

Trustpower have been supporting our charity from 2019 when it was a gigabyte sponsor of STEMFest 2019 and then again in 2020 as part of the STEM Initiative.

As a community driven kaupapa, we are delighted to be working with a company that aligns with our mana and purpose and to have Trustpower continue to support us means a great deal to the Trust as well as the STEMFest team.

Trustpower exhibit at STEMFest 2019 – hydro model with running water, a generator, and fully operational spot market software.
Trustpower exhibit at STEM HQ, Tauranga 2020 – a scale model of the Elver Elevator.

Working with Tia and the awesome crew at STEM Festival alongside our keen STEM volunteers at Trustpower is one of the highlights of our year!

There are so many reasons we love to get involved. Top of the list is supporting a super cool free learning event for kids (and big kids) to get involved in and learn about the great STEM stuff happening locally. It’s also such a great chance for us to get together as a team and dream up fun ways to share what we do!

The first year we made an epic working scale hydro model with running water, a generator, and fully operational spot market software to get the lights on for kids to see how hydro power works. We also showcased how the internet and fibre works.

Last year we made a scale model of our Elver Elevator for STEM HQ, the elevator is a way to move native fish species up and over dams that we’re trialling in the Rangitāiki River at our Matahina Power Station this year.

At Trustpower we have a lot of jobs that are based in STEM, from hydrologists and dam safety engineers, to software engineers and analysts and everything in between. If we can help inspire some of our new generation to explore STEM subjects, that’s a really great outcome all round!

Jen Spence – Community and Communications Advisor Trustpower

If your company or organisation is interested in sponsorship or supporting our kaupapa, please get in touch with the team for more information.

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