Meet NASA Astronauts Mike Hopkins and Kate Rubins

STEMFest is about creating inspiration AND aspiration. What could be more aspirational than being an Astronaut and going out of this world (literally)?

During the planning for the Space Zone, the team reached out to our friends at NASA and while they were unable to provide a live stream from the ISS on the day of STEMFest, they gave us the next best thing.

Meet Colonel Mike Hopkins who visited Aotearoa back in 2018 and Dr. Kate Rubins, record breaking scientist and crew of the new Artemis mission to the moon! Mike and Kate were kind enough to answer some questions submitted by space fans across New Zealand and share their experiences about space travel and what astronauts really think about food in space. A big thanks to everyone who submitted a question.

We were so excited to share the clips exclusively at STEMFest on Sunday 2nd October to thousands of visitors who came to the event.

For those who didn’t get a chance to see the Q&As on the day, here they are to enjoy.