STEMFest Fringe Events

Fringe Events

Alongside the main festival day on the 12th October, we are planning on bringing a series of supporting fringe events to compliment the main day.

STEM Challenge Day

Designed for primary and secondary school aged children and home-ed community. We will be inviting eight groups to take part in four activities, each challenge will relate to an area of STEM. Each group will send up to eight children per group. We will run two sessions during the day. At the end of each session a winner will be announced and crowned STEM Champions 2019.

STEM Diversity Debate

We will be hosting an open debate lead by Founder of Ada Lovelace Day as well as homegrown and international high profile STEM champions and advocates and inviting stakeholders from industry through to academia to take part.

STEM Treasure Hunt

This activity will be run in collaboration with Downtown Tauranga and their business members. An interactive activity that will be suitable for people of all ages to engage and explore hidden STEM messages that will be incorporated into various participating shops and business within the CBD.

STEM Champions

Recruit, develop, and create up and coming STEM advocates from high school through to university students. These young people will be working alongside mentors and STEM experts. They will be offered the chance to learn the skills required to help them be communicators and champions so that they are able to inspire their peers. They will be tasked with ensuring that any activities we develop and deliver are relevant and appropriate to the target age groups.