STEM Debate Series 2019: Data Colonisation

On Tuesday 10th September saw the first event in our STEM Debate Series which is kindly sponsored by Zespri International. It was organised and hosted by STEMFest 2019 sponsor and friends at Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology and also formed part of Wiki O Te Reo Māori – Māori Language Week.

The evening saw a panel of leading experts in the field of data and governance speak about data sovereignty and colonisation from a Māori perspective.

There were many highlights and frank discussion about, data usage, who owns it and what protection is offered, if any at all. One of the key takeaway from the discussion was that we need to look beyond data protection at an individual level, but look to provide that same protection at a collective and whanau level.

Huge thanks to the wonderful team at Toi Ohomoi for all their hard work in bringing the following amazing wahine together for us to learn from. The panel consisted of Te Mātāwai Tumu Whakarae Te Atarangi Whiu, Te Rūnanga Tātari Tatauranga Professor Tahu Kukutai, The Centre for Health Director Dr Anna Rolleston and Te Wehi Managing Director Kirikowhai Mikaere. It was expertly facilitated by Arataua founder Kahurangi Milne. #kapai

This has set the bar high for our next STEM Debate which will be held on Tuesday 8th October 2019 (Ada Lovelace Day) at the University of Waikato and will pose the following question: Does having too much empathy constrain good science? Tickets are free. We look forward to seeing many familiar faces there.