STEMChampions 2019

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From everyday life, to the Arts, to sending humans to Mars; aspects of Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) have become an important part of everything that we do.

On September 18th, 2019, STEM Challenge Day will be held at ACG in Tauranga.  STEM Challenge will bring teams of young children between the ages of 8 and 12. They will face a series of STEM challenges that will introduce, encourage and excite them about the diverse potential of STEM. The message:  no matter what your interest, embracing STEM can be a part of your future!

What does that message mean?  

What challenges will help young people realise that message?  

Those are questions for the STEMChampions!

Who are the STEMChampions?

STEMChampions will be a group of 6 – 8 people between the ages of 18 – 30.  Diversity is key to the group, but they will all share one common trait: they will all embrace STEM is some way.  Being part of STEMChampions is a chance to truly inspire young people. Not only will the Champions set the tone of STEM Challenge day, but will also design some of the challenges that will be at the event.


  • STEMChampions will meet for a few hours each weekend to work on the project.  
  • They will work together using a Design Thinking methodology to identify their purpose, objectives and tasks as a team.  
  • They will then set about making their vision into a reality as part of the STEMChampions event.
  • The process will include a workshop on the Design Thinking methodology to be used, guest speakers, and a mentoring program where participants will be able to reflect on the process they are experiencing.  

What’s in it for the STEMChampions?

  • Inspire the next generation to realise their potential in STEM and to realise that there are no limits!
  • “Pay it forward.” – a chance to realise how much you have been supported and helped to get where you are, and to pay it forward to inspire others.
  • Realise your potential and explore your competencies – STEMChampions is a chance to challenge yourself as part of a truly diverse team of individuals, allowing you to expand and document competencies you may not even have realised before.
  • Be recognised by some of the best in the field of STEM – STEMFest is sponsored and supported by many leaders of STEM industries in New Zealand and beyond. This is a chance to show your versatility, passion and community spirit as a champion of STEM.

Time Commitment

  • STEMChampions begins on the weekend of the 20th of July, and ends on the 22nd of September
  • Participants are expected to attend one weekly meeting on the weekend (most likely Sunday afternoon) (approximately 3 hours per session).  
  • Participants will collaborate and work together during the week online in a time-flexible format (approximately 2 – 3 hours per week).  
  • STEMChampions will have the opportunity to meet with a STEM Mentor for a 1 hour 1:1 discussion about their experience and related competencies as part of the Experience – Learning – Description process.
  • Participants will be expected to attend and assist as mentors on the STEM Challenge day, on September 18th, 2019.  

Click below to apply or to nominate someone to be part of STEMChampions!

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